Streaming from Allstarlink

Streaming from Allstarlink to Broadcastify using ezstrem



Install Software and Packages

Log into your node and type the following commands.

sudo -s
cd /usr/src

git clone
cd ezstream
git checkout master


patch src/stream.c ezstream-1.0.2.patch

apt-get update
apt-get install check libshout-dev libtagc0-dev lame

make install 

Update rpt.conf

Edit /etc/asterisk/rpt.conf. Add the following line above duplex of the node that you want to broadcast.

outstreamcmd = /bin/sh,-c,/usr/bin/lame --preset cbr 16 -r -m m -s 8 --bitwidth 16 - - | /usr/local/bin/ezstream -qvc /etc/ezstream.xml

After these changes have been made, you will need to restart asterisk.

Streaming should start immediately after asterisk is restarted.

If you run into any problems, you can add 2>/tmp/ezstreamlog.txt to the end of the outstream command. This will write errors to /tmp/ezstreamlog.txt. 



This is the contents of ezstream.xml
You will need to add / edit your passwords etc. for Broadcastify. Place this file in the /etc directory.

    <svrinfoname>Description </svrinfoname>
    <svrinfogenre>Amateur Radio</svrinfogenre>

Embed Feed in a Web Page

To embed the feed insert this code into any Web page, and replace XXXX with your assigned domain key.

Don't have a domain key yet? Apply for one here.
