HamRadio 3.0 updated

 The current experimental network now comprises of the following;

Click image to view in hires original size

Current Dashboards

FreeDMR    -    http://dmr.pakhams.com
MMDVM    -    http://mmdvm.pakhams.com/allmon2/link.php?nodes=502490 
YSF PKAP2 - https://register.ysfreflector.de/ (Serach for ap2)
AP2ARS-R - Echolink node connected to 2m Standalone CG Repeater
Update: Oct2024 - Experimental services below are now shutdown till further notice
M17-AP2    -    http://m17.pakhams.com:3000
DvSwitch    -    http://dvswitch.pakhams.com
ASL-PRV    -    http://asl.pakhams.com/allmon2/link.php?nodes=48092
XLXAP2     -    http://xlxap2.pakhams.com/
