HamRadio 2.0
Technology is ever evolving and keeping up with them is indeed a daunting task. Have been involved in software defined radio protocols, M17 took the spotlight recently. M17 is developing a new digital radio protocol for data and voice, made by and for amateur radio operators.
M17 protocol voice mode uses the free and open Codec 2 voice encoder. This means there are no patents, no royalties, and no licensing or legal barriers to scratch-building your own radio or modifying one you already own.
This freedom to build, understand, and innovate is core to amateur radio, but has been missing from the commercially available digital voice modes. This is part of why amateur radio digital voice modes have largely stagnated since the 1990s and we're almost wholly dependent on commercial products that aren't well designed for amateur radio users. M17 is about unlocking the capabilities that amateur radio hardware should already have.
Operation in the Digital Network
- Follow all rules of your regulatory authority
- Keep it classy
- Identify your station by voice. Digital stations are used to quick- keying to break-in or check-in, this will not work. IDs in data streams are lost due to analog and cross-linked connections. Users on non- radio digital solutions tend to forget they’re on a radio system. Proper ID is required and accepted method is by voice.
- Press PTT and pause for 2 seconds before speaking. This gives time for all links to become operational otherwise, the first couple words of the transmission will be lost.
- Pause a minimum 3-5 seconds between transmissions. Stations cannot break-in when stations quickly key-up (or "tailgate") after the previous. System timeouts are caused when links are not given proper time to reset.
The addition of M17 to the already deployed digital experimental network, logical depiction as below - click images for original size/view
Running Virtually in a datacenter
ASL/MMDVMM17-AP2 - PK-M17 Reflector
2m Feed @ Broadcastify
All Running
How to's on all coming soon!!