CONDOR CONNECTION - Echolink Node AP2CJ-L in AP Land
I had been watching the world of HAM radio to utilize the newer connection methods available to expand the VHF/UHF coverage and to connect to the community world wide. Unfortunately in AP land (Pakistan), there were a lot of registered HAM users on Echolink but as the main romeo was located in the Islamabad area covering Peshawar and similar parts, the southern side was neglected. while the HF option is there, the 2meter activity was only with the romeo. So belonging to the I.T industry, I decided to put up an Echolink node linking to the isloo romeo. It took me a while to get the Echolink with EchoProducer and Weather exchange to work but finally with long hours throughout the day and night, the final product is online. DTFM codes do need a little tweaking and will get to them eventually.

The main concept behind it was to provide the remote users in the southern portion of Pakistan the option to connect to HAM members here on romeo, over the internet across the world and in future put up more Echolink nodes across Pakistan with localized repeaters to make one big community.

Special thanx to AP2AUM and AP2MIZ for their support

AP2CJ-L EchoLink Node Number is 745256
The Echolink, EchoProducer and Weather Exchange screen shot

The Echolink Computer Interface
Interface Originally designed for Kenwood by AP2MIZ for AP2AUM

The Echolink Node
PIII - 1GHz - 1GB RAM - 40GB HDD -
802.11g wifi enabled 2mbps backbone

The Node Setup

The Echolink Computer Interface

IC-H16 Handheld VHF
courtesy AP2AUM

External wifi antenna - External ATX swtching power supply for IC-H16

My addition to the Echolink Computer Interface - LED on PTT

The node is 24/7 operational and today (22 Aug 2012) I witnessed an excellent communication between members of this community from Karachi, Islamabad, Peshawar, Lakki Marwat and other areas on 2meter.

Words of Appreciation
AP2SK text:
"i must admit the wonders u guys hav done! my profound congrats to you n' yr team.this was an amazeing achievement,plz just keep it up.u may brief me at an eyeball contact abt this venture wen we meet. Allah willing. i suggest you name the entire network as "THE CONDOR CONNECTION"."

For those who donot know what Echolink is:
EchoLink is a free computer-based Amateur Radio system that allows radio amateurs to communicate with other amateur radio operators using Voice over IP (VoIP) technology on the Internet for at least part of the path between them. It was designed by Jonathan Taylor, a radio amateur with callsign K1RFD.
The system allows reliable worldwide connections to be made between radio amateurs, greatly enhancing Amateur Radio's communications capabilities. In essence it is the same as other VoIP applications (such as Skype), but with the unique addition of the ability to link to an amateur radio station's transceiver. Thus any low-power handheld amateur radio transceiver which can contact a local Echolink node (A node is an active Echolink station with a transceiver attached) can then use the Internet connection of that station to send their transmission via VOIP to any other active Echolink node, world-wide. No special hardware or software is required to relay a transmission via an Echolink node.
Before using the system it is necessary for a prospective user's callsign to be validated. The EchoLink system requires that each new user provide positive proof of license and identity before his or her callsign is added to the list of validated users. There is no cost for this service, and it ensures that this system is used only by licensed amateur radio operators.
